Gardening for Wellbeing (21 April 2018)
We hosted a fundraising event on April 21 in aid of the Alzheimer's Society and the Madley Church Roof Project. Our Gardening for Wellbeing day featured a memory walk around Madley and talks about how being connected to nature can be beneficial to your health. Our guest speaker was a young local Hereford garden designer, Ben Poulter, who last year won the RHS Gold Medal at the Royal Horticultural Society’s Tatton Show and Best RHS Young Planting Design.
The weather did its best (apart from a brief shower) and the sun was out which set the scene for a nice day for all. Just over 30 people and a few dogs joined the Memory Walk around Madley taking in points of interest including the Madley Moat and the Church. While the walkers were out Ben spoke about Gardening for Wellbeing and we also heard from Ben's sister, Lorna, who works for the Alzheimer's Society, about her role and about the different services they offer in Hereford.
Once the walkers returned they were fuelled with refreshments from the cafe and 25% of the profits from the cafe that day went to the two good causes we were supporting. In total we raised £301.64 which will be split equally between the Alzheimer's Society and the Madley Church Roof Project.
We lost count of the total amount of people that came and supported the event, but as you can see from the photo, the car park was rammed! Thanks to everyone who'd did come, we're very grateful for your support as will be the Alzheimer's Society and the Madley Church Roof Project who will each receive £150.82.